Securing the Future of Solvent Cleaning
Securing the Future of Solvent Cleaning
For many years, solvent cleaning has been widely accepted as a fast, effective way of removing oils, greases etc. from metal components. In its early days, the process, known as ‘vapour degreasing’ involved placing contaminated, metal components in hot solvent vapour, which would condense on the cooler metal and the generated liquid would dissolve any oil and grease present. When components were removed from the process, the residual solvent would evaporate, leaving parts clean and dry.
The term vapour degreasing is still widely used today, although most modern solvent cleaning processes employ complete immersion of components in the cleaning fluid, often assisted by ultrasonic agitation. This change is due, in no small part, to solvent cleaning having to adapt and evolve as manufacturing processes have changed, newer processing fluids have been developed, polymeric materials and composites have seen wider application and ever more stringent cleanliness standards have been demanded. Added to these changes in manufacturing practice there has also been the ongoing tightening of health and safety and environmental legislation. Despite these demands however, ongoing development of fluid formulations and more efficient cleaning machines have helped solvent cleaning remain the process of choice for many companies.
D&S Ultra-Clean Ltd is the UK distributor for TergoTM precision cleaning fluids manufactured by MicroCare™, LLC, a company with over 40 years’ experience of providing cost effective solutions to critical cleaning problems. Because MicroCare™ is absolutely committed to research and development, we are well placed to provide sustainable, long-term solutions to today’s component cleaning challenges.
The TergoTM family of precision cleaning fluids includes products that have been specially formulated to provide the highest standards of cleanliness across a wide range of applications in industries such as: aerospace, automotive, medical devices, electronics, telecommunications and precision engineering. All are highly effective, provide low cost-per-clean and reduce environmental impact. We have readily available alternatives to NovecTM fluids for anyone currently looking to find replacements ahead of their impending withdrawal from the market. We are also now delighted to announce that we have launched the TergoTM XCF range, the latest additions to the family that are formulated to be completely PFAS free, thus underlining our long-term commitment to the supply of precision cleaning fluids to the UK market.
TergoTM precision cleaning fluids have been designed to operate safely and efficiently in modern vapour degreasing equipment such as our ‘Cleanseal’ ultrasonic cleaning machines. Our customers tell us that the combination of TergoTM and ‘Cleanseal’ combines excellent cleaning performance with low running costs, many enjoying significant cost savings since switching from competitive fluids.
Making the switch to TergoTM is simple and straightforward and we can manage the whole process. First step is that a member of our technical team will make an initial evaluation of the current cleaning process and fluid to allow us to recommend the most appropriate TergoTM alternative. Step two involves carrying out free, no obligation, cleaning trials on sample components to confirm that we achieve at least an equivalent standard of cleanliness. Thus far, many customers making the switch have told us that they have seen an improvement in cleaning performance. Finally, our service team will carry out the conversion of the customer’s cleaning machine, optimising process conditions etc. to provide maximum benefit from running with TergoTM.
If you would like more information on making the switch to TergoTM and securing the long-term future of your component cleaning process, contact us on or visit our website at
MicroCare and Tergo are trademarks or registered trademarks of MicroCare, LLC.