Degreasing Plant Service and Cleanouts
Degreasing Plant Service and Cleanouts
Companies that use solvent cleaning equipment (degreasers) are probably aware of the importance of regular maintenance to ensure that your equipment continues to work in a safe and efficient manner. Regular inspection and testing of the plant can identify and rectify problems at the earliest opportunity.
In addition to regular functional testing of the equipment, another important aspect of degreaser maintenance is the need to clean out the tank on a regular basis to prevent the build-up of contaminants and prevent over- heating, solvent degradation, damage to components, or damage to the degreaser itself. Whilst everyone appreciates the need for regular degreaser cleanout, concerns about the hazards associated with the task mean that it tends not to be done as often as it should.
We offer a complete support service for users of solvent cleaning equipment (degreasers) of all types: preventive maintenance contracts, breakdown call-outs and supply of spare parts. We also have the equipment and expertise to carry out degreasing plant clean-outs safely and efficiently. Packages can be tailored to suit your requirements and budget with visits scheduled to fit in with your shift and work patterns. What’s more, all our work is supported by the necessary documentation (risk assessments, method statements etc.) to ensure compliance with your company health and safety procedures.
If you are interested in finding out about any of our support services, or would like more information on extending the scope of support we already provide to you, please contact us.